Radically Traditional

How can you outperform your peers for 100 years?

Think Radically Traditional.

The average company lifespan continues to fall at pace but several organisations have been at the top for a century or more.

So how do they do it?

That question sparked a seven-year study to understand how organisations - such as British Cycling, Eton College, NASA, the New Zealand All Blacks, the Royal Academy of Music, Royal College of Art, and Royal Shakespeare Company - have sustained their success over 100 years.

The findings surprised us - and everyone we met.

Rather than focusing on growth, cost, and being secretive, these organisations try to get better not bigger, are intentionally inefficient, and share their stories with the world.

They’re Radically Traditional - with a stable core (purpose, stewardship, openness), and a disruptive edge (experts, nervousness, accidents).

And that’s what keeps them ahead.

Think communities
not companies.

Let’s change futures together

Alex is always keen to help anyone who wants to change the world. If you think he can help you then please get in touch.